I haven't been able to post because I have a house of sickies. I'm so thankful I'm NOT sick. Who would take care of ME??? Eli had a fever that turned into a nasty hack. Gabe just started in with a fever. Jesse's sick too. Sick of work. Nah, he's really sick. Really. So, I've been spending my days running. Running for the thermometer, running for the meds, running for the tissues, running for drinks, running for popsicles, you get the point. Plus doing everything around here that I normally do. And not getting much sleep. Someone is always up needing something! Ack! So, back to it tomorrow hopefully. I think, after taking two days off from work, Jesse will try to make it thru the day. Gabe's in bed right now and after Eli is in bed, I'm going to indulge in a cup of tea and a little light reading...the newest edition of Country Gardens. I can't wait.