Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spring Tease

Listening to the rain fall on the roof in mid-February. Doesn't get much better than that. It was warm yesterday. 49F. Warm enough to roll the windows down in the truck. Eli had his 100th day of school celebration yesterday. He picked me to be his VIP for the day. Out of everyone he could have chosen, he chose me. How honored I was. We did activities such as string 100 cheerios for a delectable necklace, make a 100 day crown filled with glitter, a 100 day sash filled with items of 10...10 stickers, 10 finger prints, 10 doodles...and so on and so on. We had a great day together. And for a bonus, when I went to pick up Gabe at Great-grandma's house, she offered to keep both the kids for another hour so I could get wood in and just sit ouside and enjoy the weather for a bit. Quietly. It was heaven.

The agenda for today. Bread-making is a must. A couple loads of glorious laundry. I promised Gabe we would make 'paper plate' masks today. Not sure what else the day holds.

1 comment:

Lori said...

My kids had 100 day too.

I bet the time alone was heaven, even though you had stuff to do. A mother's work is never done.