Thursday, June 4, 2009

Of all the places to love...

Mama carried me on her shoulders before I could walk, through the meadows and hay fields. The cows watched us and the sheep scattered; the dogs ran ahead, looking back with sly smiles. When the grass was high, only their tails showed. My grandmother loved the river best of all the places to love. That sound, like a whisper, she said; gathering in pools where trout flashed like jewels in the sunlight. Grandmother sailed little bark boats downriver to me with messages. I love you Eli, one said.

One of my favorite all time Children's Books, All the Places to Love, by Patricia MacLachlan.

I took these pictures on the Fogg Road (same place where the Marston Cemetery resides).

1 comment:

Lori said...

Great pictures!!!! I love the looks of that road. You'll have to go back in the fall and take the same picture.