Saturday, June 28, 2008


My sil put this basket together for me for Mother's Day. The picture doesn't do it justice for how beautiful it is.

Front of the house...Juniper's Beard, Yarrow (a favorite of mine), Ladies Mantle, Bee Balm, Salvia, pineapple mint, creeping thyme, lemon balm, assorted hostas, a few pansy's and geraniums.





Sky said...

nice gardens - flower and veggie. soon you will have fabulous healthy food on the table!

the fawn pictures are so cute. what happened to it - will the game warden staff raise it until it can live on its own?

maine is such a lovely place. i love the coastal area, especially. the pacific NW is similar but without the harsh winter.

Caty said...

your blue flowers are charming ...!!have a nice day .

Peace and Plenty said...

Thank you for the comments! The fawn was brought to a rehabilitation facility in Augusta, Maine where they will let him back into the wild when he's old enough.